The brainchild of two workaholic women...
The Rainbow Balloon Company was officially formed in January 2019, although the Co-Owners Jessica Zillman and Mary Lou Kunka have been in the balloon business for a combined total of over 30 years.
The Rainbow Ballooon Company
Mary Lou
Mary Lou started Lou Lou’s in 2013 and has been a balloon decorator for over 10 years.
Jessica formerly was the owner of her family owned business, BOBalloons, formerly known as Balloon World was founded by Bob Sult in 1979. In 1999, Bob passed the reigns of BOBalloons over to his daughter Jessica.
The Rainbow Ballooon Company
Mary Lou
Mary Lou started Lou Lou’s in 2013 and has been a balloon decorator for over 10 years.
Jessica formerly was the owner of her family owned business, BOBalloons, formerly known as Balloon World was founded by Bob Sult in 1979. In 1999, Bob passed the reigns of BOBalloons over to his daughter Jessica.

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